Melanie is from Montreal, Canada, but now calls the world home after her long travel and living in different countries. As the founder of Alchemy Hearts WELLNESS, she cultivates sacred environments to support individuals in reconnecting with themselves, fostering integration, and enhancing their skills and capacities for personal growth. Melanie is also a Certified Yoga instructor, driven by a passion for leading others toward Sattya, clarity, authenticity, and awareness.
Renowned for her role as a guiding light in expanding consciousness and facilitating health and well-being retreats, Melanie possesses an inherent curiosity for the mystical and a profound respect for indigenous wisdom. She passionately believes that this journey guides us back to the heart, allowing us to live with freedom, compassion, and authentic creative expression. Melanie’s expertise spans various modalities, including body movement, Yoga, Somatic and Holistic breath work, and guiding resonance sound journeys with instruments and crystal bowls, often within retreat settings. She also specializes in designing nourishing macrobiotic programs and provides in-depth coaching to support individuals on their journeys.
She recently created her new program ‘‘Awaken the Shakti Within You’’ to educate people on the Art of Being Human discovering the Shakti Energy within themselves.